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My aching back

So last Thursay morning I was playing "row, row, row your boat" with my daughter (I was the boat) in an attempt to avoid the Barney videos while keeping her entertained. All seemed in order until I got my daughter ready to go to the babysitter, at which time my back started to spasm. I really thought the pain would subside over the course of the day but I was mistaken.

By Friday morning I was in some serious pain, but I had a ton of work to catch up on at work and had to wait until after that was done to see a doctor. I dropped my daughter off at my father-in-law and headed over to Patient First (which is where people with no real doctor go if they need to get checked out) where I waited for two hours to see a doctor.
And what a doctor! His name was Dr. Hooper and, at first glance, it seemed that he was probably an older relative of Mr. Hooper from Sesame Street (yes, that old!). He also reeked of cigarette smoke, but that was a good thing because by now I had given up hope of getting an x-ray (there was less than an hour until Shabbat) and was just looking for some meds to get me through the weekend. Dr. Hooper understood.

The meds helped make for an exciting weekend, but they failed to take the edge off. I spent most of the weekend in discomfort and bitching to people about my predicament. It was at shul that my friend, whose wife is a physical therapist, suggested that I drop by for some treatment. So on Sunday morning I headed over to my friend's place and his wife started to mess around with my back. It really felt great to have a massage, but the treatment did not totally resolve the discomfort. To make matters worse (?), she found some scoliosis in my upper back (altohugh she doesn't think it will be an issue until I'm much older).

Presently, I'm still in pain with no idea of what to do about it. Another friend has suggested that I come by his office to have an MRI taken (he's a hotshot doctor), but I don't know if I'm ready to shell out the cash for that procedure. I think that if I just ignore the issue it will eventually go away. I'm old enough to know that things don't work that way but young enough to stubbornly refuse to recognize that truth.

Time will tell.


Shira said…
It probably didn't help that you had to go searching around for my boots. But thanks for that!

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