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Showing posts from 2021

Avraham and Sarah - The Original Soulmates

  What the story of Avraham and Sarah in Egypt teaches us about the ideal relationship between husband and wife This week’s Torah portion begins with Gd’s call to Avraham to  Lech Lecha  (go forward your sake) from Charan (in northern Syria) to an unknown land due south.  Since the  start of time, humans had confounded Gd with their ability to make the wrong choices. Gd had tried to reset the world, expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, wiping out the entire earth in a Flood during Noah’s life and mixing up languages of the generation of the Tower of Babel before dispersing them throughout the entire earth to keep them at bay.  But the problems persisted, so Gd looked around and found the best human alive, selecting Avraham to be Humanity 3.0. As Gd’s Chosen, Avraham was tasked with performing a literal  Tikkun Olam , by living in the world according to the plan that Gd intended for it. Avraham heeded Gd’s call and left Charan, taking with hi...